
Adding a Folder to a Course

Like the File module, the Folders can be used to provide learners with online access to the files they use in the face-to-face classrooms. For example, a handout distributed in class can be provided to learners using this function, giving them a ‘soft’ or electronic copy of the item. Instructors aiming for a paperless classroom or those with limited access to printing or photocopying can use a Folder as a way to distribute handouts electronically and in a structure that creates an archive. Learners who prefer hard copies can print their own handouts prior to class.

Instructors can use this function to provide learners with access to digital media files not available elsewhere on the Internet. For example, audio and video files they have used in class can be uploaded to the courseware and shared with learners. Instructors recording their own audio and video with a smartphone or tablet can share these with learners using this feature.

PowerPoint presentations used in class, rubrics for grading assignments and spreadsheets can also be shared with learners using the Folder module. This is a very flexible feature that can be used to bring many types of activities from the face-to-face classroom into the courseware.

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